1. Delivery man (there was only 1) said he would not have delivered the box upstairs if I had needed that. Unless I paid extra. Freight company was ABF in Houston TX. They called me in advance before the delivery and asked me where I wanted it. So I had an opportunity to request a delivery upstairs but wanted to make this point here, don't assume you can have this option.
2. The packages is quite large and quite heavy. I don't see how one person could have moved this anywhere but then I'm a woman. The delivery man using special equipment did deliver the box to our garage which was a straight shot on a driveway with no incline (they asked about this on the phone).
3. First problem I ran into was the wires that needed to be threaded up thru the left column holding up the console. A black wire is provided to pull the wire thru but it kept getting clogged up. Once I got some duct tape and taped the end so there was nothing to catch on whatever it was that caused the column to become more narrow, the problem was solved.
4. Once the column on the left and one on the right were attached (pretty easy), the console was attached also very easily although my husband had to be there holding it while I was guiding it. There was no way I could have done this without him. He's a big guy. Though the console was bulky, I don't think holding it for this part of the installation required someone of extra strength.
5. The next problem was the most frustrating. There are two arm pieces, one on the left and one on the right. Each piece is composed of a couple of parts that needed to be screwed in. Difficult to describe but the main point is that the screws need to be screwed from the inside (near the cross bar) pointing out, i.e. in a somewhat difficult position for maneuvering. I found it impossible to screw these hex screws using the hex screwdriver provided. (the allen screwdriver was okay for the allen screws). There were a couple of reasons the hex screwdriver was so difficult. But bottom line, I went to the hardware store and bought a very long hex screwdriver with a very nice grip that made it much much easier. (because of the length, the interference from the cross bar was minimized...)
6. finished the rest of the arm pieces and powered it on and it works during our short demonstration. It does seem to be very very sturdy and because of the heaviness, I'm hoping it will be long lasting.
7. Last complaint, the documentation has nothing about the "KEY" and where it goes. We figured it out but how difficult would it have been to provide this info? Other questions we figured out that were not documented. Guess I'm used to clearer info from my previous experience with assembling furniture and what not. I definitely got the impression that the manufacturers were assuming that people with experience in mechanical installations would be putting this together. Not the case with us.
Whew! I was really nervous about this. Thank goodness it seems to have gone okay at this point. I have the name of a repair person for exercise equipment that will come to your home that I've used before and found highly competent. If we do have any problems, I don't plan to try to fix it myself or even call the company. Sounds like that would be a real frustrating experience. I plan to just call her. Let's hope I don't have to.
(Note- I don't remember it being documented here but for anyone not aware, the machine can only handle 300 pounds (did I say my husband was big? but luckily not 300. The bowflex 3 is only for maximum of 275 pounds - just so you know...)Get more detail about Bowflex Series 7 Treadmill.
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