Needed a treadmill and saw this was top-rated in Consumer Reports. Though it's pricey, I'm tall and big and saw this could handle my size and stride. I've never had a treadmill and knew some baby model wouldn't do the job. BOWFLEX has one of those pricey but good quality names, I thought...much like BOSE for sound systems. They both are B's also!
It was a snowy Friday in Wolfeboro NH when it was to arrive only a week from ordering and EAGLE USA delivering it. Was going to order from one of those sports outlets but look at the delivery reviews....they are terrible! So I flew with the EAGLE! Called them to make sure it was going to arrive during the big snowstorm storm that day in the 12-5pm slot...they said it may be a bit late and even called to say it would be there at 5:30PM and we all waited for it longingly looking out the picture window Yes, they arrived at 5:30pm and manhandled the truck into the driveway backwards to my open garage while his sidekick surfed on the loading lift of the truck ....almost falling off. I slipped them a $20 - he barked 'Give it to the kid' so they would deliver it over the 'threshhold' into my basement which they did.
I went up to watch tv and my wife had it assembled in 2 hours without me....she said it would have taken longer had I been there helping. I did help actually with one piece fitting it in a bit.....not sure why it was a bit tight but we got it together.
This thing is a monster as it weighs....well, close to my weight. It is not junk as it feels top flight and looks it! I don't plan to move it at all. Use it every day now and already can feel and see the difference after 2 months!! The programs are a but much for me so far so I just set lift and speed as I need to in the 20 minute general program. Eventually, I hope to use the programs as there are a lot of them. I like how it tells you miles and calories burned. I like to watch the display watching an EKG in a hospital bed!
The fan at highest setting is too weak for me and you can't aim the direction so only benefits me much, as I'm tall, if I'm slumped over gasping for air.....which is a lot of the time.
If I could get the heart monitor around me (my wife says 'Don't even try'), I would use it. Maybe in a few more months.
Well, this is a great unit especially here in central NH where 8 months of the year are inhospitable unless you're Yukon 'Cornelius' Jack! Don't know why I'm up here, but I know I'll live long with my BOWFLEX SERIES 7.
Thank you and happy treading - SHAMBO from Wolfeboro, NH! Get more detail about Bowflex Series 7 Treadmill.
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