I put a lot of time into researching treadmills and their relative cost because my room mates and my girlfriend all felt I was crazy in the first place for considering one on my budget.
I knew the treadmills at hotels & gyms had spoiled me, because I had no interest in a flimsy model that offered little support and lackluster features. I also knew there was no way I could afford a $3,000 gym caliber treadmill. I felt this was the best compromise and I have not been disappointed with my decision.
The delivery was prompt, but it went no further than the bottom of the outside stairs to my 2nd floor apartment. Thanks to previous reviewers, I expected this. I can tell you that I weigh 160 lbs. and my room mate is about 210 lbs. We're both 26 and carrying this behemoth up a very steep and angled flight of stairs between us was nothing short of miraculous. It cost him a severely bruised big toe. I would recommend no fewer than 3 healthy and reasonably strong individuals to attempt this.
We have neighbors below us, and hardwood floors, so noise and protection was a concern. I had purchased a "heavy duty" extra long mat which helped protect the floor, but was not enough to muffle the inevitable thumping sound. I purchased an additional set of interlocking foam gym floor pieces that I placed over the mat and I found the two together made it as sound proof as we could manage within reason.
Assembly is never fun, and this was no exception, but given the size of the item, it was relatively painless. Thankfully, one of my room mates is an engineer, so between the both of us we managed it in under an hour.
I have had the treadmill for a few months now and I am very pleased with its overall performance. It is relatively quiet compared to some of the other models I have used. The range of features meets and exceeds my needs. I have not noticed the general knee/ankle discomfort that can come with a worn/low quality treadmill so far. I generally run 3 miles 3 times a week. The display is a bit illogical in some regards, but having to wait a few seconds for the distance to show up again in the cycle of calories, time, and pace is hardly a make or break point for me. The fan is underpowered and close to useless, but I do feel a slight breeze and I suppose I probably would not want a powerful fan blowing in my face the whole time I ran anyway.
That it is able to fold up quite easily and still feel as solid as a gym model is a testament to its construction. The flaws are minor and the performance is a deal at this price in my opinion. Get more detail about Bowflex Series 7 Treadmill.
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